Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sponsorship Money

Season Begins February 25, 2008

There are a few players that still have not turned in sponsorships. The deadline was January 11th, 2008. For some reason some of you think that we have forgotten about this...You are responsible to communicate with the coaches about any problems you may be having with this project.

If you do not resolve this issue immediately, you will not be enrolled in Spring Softball during 6th period and you may want to start thinking about next year's try out.

Sponsorships will be due on February 11, 2008....FINAL DEADLINE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear burgose and delacruz,

Its me Daisy!

I haven't been coming to practice because i got my wisdom teeth removed. I was told by my doctor I was only going to miss friday, but I got and infection and he didn't want me to go back to school until the swelling went down.