Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hey LADIES! We need to begin fundraising! So here's what's new, any ideas, share them with us PLEASE!
We can begin by asking people to sponsor us. Anyone, your Aunts and Uncle's, cousins, parents, grandparents, church, teachers, friends, organizations. Anything, $5, $10, $15, anything they can offer, it's good. It piles up and that's awesome. We can make these people treats as thanks you's.
Pizza Sales?
Ice Skating Night?
Candy Sale?
Homecoming Ideas? For the Game and the Dance (Beads, Tattoos, light sticks???)
Starting giving ideas, we'll keep you posted
See you all tomorrow, everyone needs to dress, unless your doctor doesn't let you!
Be a BEAST not a bunny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I talked to Coach Burgos today about selling the little paw print tattoos. He we could buy about 100-150 sheets.

He found them on this website:

I think it's a good idea because last year we sold them and on my sales alone, i got over 50$!!