Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~2010-11 Softball Season~

Congratulations to this year teams, Varsity and JV of 2010-11. There is much to learn, but so little time.


The choice is yours. Do you want to be a sloppy softball team or a skillful High School (example2)softball team?

A below average softball player shows up to practice, doesn't hustle, and wants to leave as soon as possible.
An above average softball player will go to practice, hustle, and but expects to leave when they think they did enough.
A good softball player will go to practice, hustle, practice until they get better, and won't leave until a new skill is learned , on mandatory practice days or non-mandatory practice days.
A great softball is MORE than the good player. The great player will do what ever it takes to make themselves better, and help their team get better as well. This is a true leader!

Who are you? You decide what you want to be!!!